“Business”:Private Businesses

  1. 1. Register and sign up or login if already a user.
  2. 2. If new sign up we will verify credentials. This could take up to 24-72 hours.
  3. 3. Once approved, you will receive an email with status “verified”.
  4. 4. Use the link to log in or go right to the website isenchel.com and login.
  5. 5. After login you will see your dashboard.
  6. 6. On dashboard you will be given 2 choices;
    • a. Report an incident
    • b. View reported incidents (Account History)
  7. 7. Follow the prompts to report the incident and just like that you are all done!

“Agency”: State and Public Officials

  1. 1. Register and sign up or login if already a user.
  2. 2. If new sign up we will verify credentials. This could take up to 24-72 hours.
  3. 3. Once approved, you will receive an email with status “verified”.
  4. 4. Use the link to log in or go right to the website isenchel.com and login.
  5. 5. After login you will see your dashboard.
  6. 6. On dashboard you will be given 2 choices;
    • a. Select incidents by state or city
    • b. View by Name - Here you will enter the persons first and last name