“Business”:Private Businesses
- 1. Register and sign up or login if already a user.
- 2. If new sign up we will verify credentials. This could take up to 24-72 hours.
- 3. Once approved, you will receive an email with status “verified”.
- 4. Use the link to log in or go right to the website isenchel.com and login.
- 5. After login you will see your dashboard.
- 6. On dashboard you will be given 2 choices;
- a. Report an incident
- b. View reported incidents (Account History)
- 7. Follow the prompts to report the incident and just like that you are all done!
“Agency”: State and Public Officials
- 1. Register and sign up or login if already a user.
- 2. If new sign up we will verify credentials. This could take up to 24-72 hours.
- 3. Once approved, you will receive an email with status “verified”.
- 4. Use the link to log in or go right to the website isenchel.com and login.
- 5. After login you will see your dashboard.
- 6. On dashboard you will be given 2 choices;
- a. Select incidents by state or city
- b. View by Name - Here you will enter the persons first and last name